Trường đại học Kinh Tế Quốc Dân
Điện thoại: 02436 280 280. Ext: 6213 & 6215
Hotline: 0913 716 818/ 0936 396 499
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Địa chỉ: Tầng 12, Nhà A1, ĐH Kinh tế Quốc dân, 207 Giải Phóng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội.
Trường Đại học Kinh tế TP. HCM
Tel: [84-8] 3 830 01 03
Hotline: 0909 054 696
Email: info@cfvg.orgCFVG community also opens doors to a wider world of opportunity.
Students come to CFVG from a variety of sectors and bring with them every kind of business experience, from leadership, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship...We create a community that promotes the individual, yet always values the collaborative experience fostered in your learning teams and clusters.
Also, our active, accessible alumni, more than 3,000 members in all economic sectors, play a key role in the lives of current students, through professional seminars, networking events, team building trips, charity activities ... Those connections live on well beyond graduation, giving you a lifetime of benefits.
Strong links with prestigious banks, corporations, institutions, entrepreneurs enable CFVG to benefit invaluable support in improving training quality. CFVG’s students and graduates are always important source of employments for key corporate positions. CFVG also makes creative use of experienced practitioners who are high ranked professionals and top managers from various industries in its classes and seminars as visiting lecturers and speakers.
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