International Conference : The Ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and social innovation
March 17th - 18th, 2016
Conference room, 2nd Floor – Building 10, National Economics University
Recently, Vietnam records a surge of interest in social enterprises, social entrepreneurship and social innovations with the active performance of many individuals, organizations and enterprises that are pioneering in sustainable business ideas with good impact on the environment and society. Building and improving an ecosystem for social enterprises is essential for the sustainable development of social business initiatives. On March 17&18, at National Economics University, it took place the international conference on “ The Ecosystem for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation”, which is co-organized by the National Economics University, the British Council Vietnam, The French-Vietnamese Center for Management Education (CFVG) and the National Institute of Patent and Technology Exploitation (NIPTEX).
The conference was held in 02 days with academic conference, panel discussions, workshop for students and visits to typical social enterprises. Research papers and presentation submitted to the conference cover 3 main themes: (1) Ecosystem for social enterprise and social innovation; (2) Issues on social enterprise start-up, (3) Teaching social business, social enterprise and social innovation in universities and business schools.
Especially, this year’s conference welcomes international presenters from UK, US, Isarel, Singapore, Indonesia for sharing international experience on developing ecosystem for social enterprise, topics include: (1) The Ecosystem Needed for the Development of Social Enterprises - Some Lessons from Israel; (2) A comparative overview of social enterprise ecosystems in Scotland and England: An evolutionary perspective; (3) Ecosystem of social enterprise: Social culture, legal framework and policy review in Indonesia; (4) Publicity as an element of social enterprise ecosystem (on the example of Russian Federation); (5) Social Enterprise: a bright future and (6) University - Social Enterprise Ecosystem for creating socially responsible knowledge, practices and graduates (India).
International and Vietnamese scholars at the conference
The conference brought together representatives from state authorities and international organizations, social enterprises, scholars and professors from universities and research institutes, international experts, media…who share the same interest in social issues, social business, social entrepreneurship, social enterprises and social innovations.
Besides academic discussions and experience sharing, international scholars and Vietnamese experts hosted a workshop on “What are the opportunities for young people in social entrepreneurship?” which attracted about university students and youths who have the interest and intention in social entrepreneurship. At this event, international speakers from UK and Singapore shared the international stories to inspire the social responsibility, then a group of Vietnamese experts and consultants on social enterprises will discuss with them about opportunities and challenges in Vietnam’s context.
At the end of 2nd day, the conference will ended up with visits to 3 typical social enterprises: Koto, Green Generation Cook and KymViet.
This conference is organized in the framework of cooperation agreement on “Developing social enterprises in researching and teaching at universities 201” signed among the National Economics University, the British Council Vietnam, The French-Vietnamese Center for Management Education (CFVG) in 2015.
Opening speech by Dr. Bui Duc Tho - Director of Scientific Management Department, National Economics University
Parallel session 1: How to develop the ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and innovation ?
Parallel session 2: Embedding social entrepreneurship and innovation into higher education
Mr. Uday Thakkar, RedOchre Social Enterprise, UK at the workshop for students "What are the opportunities for young people in social entrepreneurship? "
Vietnamese consultant for social enterprises at the workshop for students