WORKSHOP: "How to improve sales efficiency through marketing and sales trustee relationship?"
Hanoi: 14h00 / Friday, 15.7.2016
Hochiminh City: 14h00 / Tuesday, 19.7.2016
Marjolaine Matray , Sorbonne Graduate Business School
Relationships between marketing and sales teams often look like conflicts... which is probably inefficient!
A deep study was conducted with Orange, Renault and EDF marketing and sales teams (600 interviews) in order to define an efficient relationship between those functions that enables better sales efficiency. The model is describing what we call a "trustee relationship", with very operational dimensions. We also describe the way we have been conducting training and team buildings in other companies to improve their performance.
Marjolaine Matray She is an associate professor at the Sorbonne Graduate Business School where she completed a PhD in management on a trustee relationship between sales and marketing. She has given presentations in France and abroad (including in the United States, China, Vietnam, Japan, the Czech Republic, Algeria and Tunisia). Marjolaine Matray is director of Opens ( since 2007. Together with Opens team, she served various clients, including L'Oréal, EDF, RATP, CCI, CNAV and JC Decaux , Allianz, Peugeot, the Collège Polytechnique, Les Librairies Privat, Disneyland Paris, Renault Trucks, and more.
Sorbonne Graduate Business School
Professor of “Sales Organization and Management”, MMSS program
Hanoi: 14:00 - 17:00 / Friday, 15.7.2016 at SWING LOUNGE, 21 Trang Tien St., Hanoi
Hochiminh City: 14:00 - 17:00 / Tuesday, 19.7.2016 at CFVG Building, 91 Ba thang hai St., D.10 , HCMC.
In Hanoi, this event is co-hosted with Sage Brand and Communication Academy !
FREE ENTRY, with limited seats for 50 English speaking participants, preferred Marketing/Sales manager, marketing/sales executives, CEO, directors...
Language: English
For more information, please contact: / Tel: 04-3-8691066 (Ext. 22)