CFVG 25th year anniversary: Pride and future journey to be the European Management University in Vietnam
On Dec 2nd 2017, CFVG organized its ceremony to celebrate the 25th year anniversary at the new building of National Economics University. The event welcomed different generations of CFVG Alumni and students from even very first intake in from 1992. CFVG has been known as the first and pioneering organization offering international accredited master and PhD programs, soon CFVG would transform its mode into the first European Management University in Vietnam. This was expected to be the new paradigm for Vietnam education.
On Dec 2nd 2017, CFVG organized its ceremony to celebrate the 25th year anniversary at the new building of National Economics University. The event welcomed different generations of CFVG Alumni and students from even very first intake in from 1992. CFVG has been known as the first and pioneering organization offering international accredited master and PhD programs, soon CFVG would transform its mode into the first European Management University in Vietnam. This was expected to be the new paradigm for Vietnam education.
Attending the ceremony, in addition to CFVG BoD including Prof. Dr. Jean Louis Pare, Prof. Dr. Tran Tho Dat the event welcomed special appearance of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Doan - Former Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr. Pham Quang Hung – Director General of International Cooperation Department - Ministry of Education and Training, Mr. Eric Molay – Attaché for academic and scientific cooperation at Institut français du Vietnam, Embassy of France in Vietnam in Hanoi and NEU BoM members.
During 2 hours of the ceremony, the alumni, students and guests immersed in the main theme of the night: CFVG’s 25-year journey through art performances by current students from different classes. The whole journey which started from entering CFVG to exciting discoveries in beautiful France was reproduced through contemporary Vietnamese dance, followed by a transformation with fast-paced dance moves in capital of light Paris. The audiences then enjoyed sweet melody of “To love you more” performed by an alumnus with the wish to return to the past and suddenly burned and thrilled in the desire to constantly conquer the peak with “Kham Pha” (Discovery) song composed by the Buc Tuong band. Finally, the 10-minute documentary film led the people back to the CFVG's first images, listening to the stories of the different students mixed with memorable moments of the school old days.

Art performances by CFVG alumni and students
In the welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Jean Louis Pare remarked the important milestones of CFVG’s 25-year journey and he did not forget to emphasize CFVG’s status as the pioneering flagship in establishing international relations and opening master programs in business administration, marketing – sales and services, finance and banking with leading European partners such as ESCP Europe, Paris Dauphine university, Sorbonne Business school. In 2018, CFVG would introduce the first international specialized master in supply chain management with the desire to bring the world most advanced management knowledge to Vietnam. He thanked French and Vietnamese governments, the two host universities NEU and UEH and CCIP France for supporting CFVG continuously in management as well as the project of EMU. In response to Prof. Dr. Pare, Prof. Dr. Tran Tho Dat once again pledged unconditional support from the National Economics University to CFVG. He also officially entrusted CFVG with the administration of the new spacious facility in the recently inaugurated central building of NEU. In the last speech, Mr. Pham Quang Hung from MOET informed that the Ministry of Education and Training had received the proposal of EMU and fully supported this ambitious project. In the coming time, along with strong commitments from the European Union, its member countries and the active participation of CFVG BoD, CFVG and stakeholders would speed up the implementation in accordance with the laws of Vietnam so that the project could be successful.

Prof. Dr. Jean Louis Pare and Mr. Pham Quang Hung at the ceremony

The ceremony ended in a cheerful atmosphere as all of CFVG members together cut the cake to celebrate the 25th birthday in greetings from all the guests as well as generations of alumni and students. All were ready and saw a promising future of the first European Management University in Vietnam.