Consultancy Project Defense Highlights, MMSS 9 (2014-2016)
On March 24 & 25, 2016, student of CFVG MMSS, 9th intake completed their learning journey with consultancy project defense. By handling a project, built upon a concrete business issues, the students have applied their acquired knowledge and work closely with a real business problem to develop a solution. Students are encourage to choose a practical issues faced by their employment organization, some research works are dedicated to big brands such as Toyota, TH true milk, FPT software, Viet Capital, Johnson & son...
The 02 co-scientific directors of MMSS program, Prof. Dr. Jean Pierre Helfer and Prof. Dr. Nathalie Prime, provide the students will full academic support during their consultancy project. According to their feedbacks, most of reports are written seriously, and the quality of research findings is highly appreciated.
Here are some pictures of the consultancy project defense: