French-Vietnamese Job Fair 2016
Organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam in cooperation with the French Embassy in Vietnam and the French Vietnamese Center for Management Education (CFVG)
Soon-to-be-graduates students, Fresh-graduates and experienced professionals from various fields including Commerce, Finance, Law, IT, Mechanical & Electric Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Hospitality & Tourism…
- Offer an opportunity for the company to meet potential candidates: soon-to-be-graduate students, fresh graduates and experienced professionals; including Vietnamese who have studied in France or who have obtained a French diploma in Vietnam.
- Build and strengthen the image and reputation of your company.
- Raise awareness among Vietnamese workforce regarding the internationalization of professions

By taking part in this Job Fair, companies will benefit from:
- An area to receive the candidates (with opportunities to conduct individual interviews) to promote your company’s brand name
- A folder with pre-selected CVs and profiles as well as profiles received at the job fair.
- Possibility to present your HR strategy during private workshops
If you are interested in joining our French-Vietnamese Job Fair, please download the Presentation here and the Registration Form here. Please return the Registration Form by March 04th 2016 to the address below: