Integration day 2017 diary: It's all about fun.
The image of Elephant Baby from Tay Nguyen’s Don Village has been incorporated in the game that was funny (see photos attached) making people laugh. It was one of the many amusing games performed by the Alumni and new students from CFVG during the Integration Day 2017.
The image of Elephant Baby from Tay Nguyen’s Don Village has been incorporated in the game that was funny (see photos attached) making people laugh. It was one of the many amusing games performed by the Alumni and new students from CFVG during the Integration Day 2017.
After a long period of raining days, the sun finally favored the outdoor event. About 150 CFVGers including professors, Alumni Board’s members and students divided into 4 teams, namely, Super Banana, Penguin, Tintin and Monday. They were enthusiastically and fiercely competing in those games, both outdoor where the sun shines and inside the restaurant where each team sends their representatives to perform on the stage. The atmosphere was exploded by the conducting talent of the MC, a young and handsome guy, who put questions in ‘rap music’ rhythm. Selected questions were like why Mozart did not use this finger (MC shows the finger) playing piano?, one team member responded that Mozart’s finger was off, then the MC said it was wrong, it was simple because that was the MC’s finger and not Mozart’s. Or if today’s yesterday was Sunday’s tomorrow, then what day is today? The simple answer was that the question was a non-sense and today is Saturday according to the calendar etc…
Students from France, taking CFVG courses, not less actively competed the games, leading some of them. They seem quickly understand the game rules, even in Vietnamese, and of course translated by volunteers.
The last activity was to line up following the CFVG letter on the side of the hill, waving hands and color ribbons for being recorded by a fly-cam that wrapped up an exciting day, particularly for the new coming of the 26th Intake. Back to school, they feel refreshed and ready to absorb new knowledge provided by CFVG for their future and be members of the CFVG Networking countrywide.
By Minh Le.