CFVG Hanoi

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University of Economics Ho Chi Minh 

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International Videoconference - Innovative CSR policy for global performance : towards High Added Value”



International Videoconference- Friday, 15 of April 2016

« Innovative CSR policyfor global performance : towards High Added Value”

Paris (France), Shanghai (China), Tomsk (Russia), Hanoi (Vietnam), Bhubaneswar (India)

From Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) 



Contact : Béatrice BELLINI, Paris Ouest University (

Date: Friday, 15 of April         Shanghaï Time (14h15-18h00) / Paris Time (8h15-12h00) / Vietnam (13h15-17h00) / Russia (12h15-16h00) / India (11h45-15h30)

Public: Professors, students, executive managers  (around 100 participants in 5 places)



The current economic growth is generating lot of adverse environmental and social impacts. However, some new business models exist and could offer solutions enabling well-being for all. At the occasion of this webconference will be announced the official launch of the International Platform for New Business Models.

Content (Shanghai Time)

14h15-14h25   : Local introduction of the conference, Lynn Dai, SUIBE

14h25-14h30   : Presentation of the speakers’organizations, Beatrice Bellini

14h30-14h40   : “Potential of internet for social and environmental data gathering, analysis and reporting”, Joelle Brohier (RSE & PED, France)

14h40-16h20   : Social and environmental actions to develop new business models

14h45-15h05   : “Chinese solar industry as an example of cyclique economy”, MingmingDuan(SUIBE)

15h10-15h40   : Case of Vietnam 

                        - “Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility in Human Resources Management activities to balance interest of stakeholders”, Thuy Anh                                           Nguyen Van (NEU University, Vietnam)
                        - “CSR typologies in Vietnam, spiritual beliefs and CSR practices in companies”, Thang Truong Thi Nam (CFVG, Vietnam)

15h40-16h00  : “Sustainable marketing: Case of India”, Subhasis Ray (Xavier University, India)

16h00-16h20  :“Sustainable development in Russia: the case of the region of Tomsk", Boris Kalioujny (Polytechnic Tomsk, Russia)

16h20              : Coffee  break

16h40-17h30 : Questions and discussion: which adapted indicators for evaluating and reporting global performance? (All participants)

17h30             : Conclusion: International platform for responsible business models, Beatrice Bellini (West Paris University, France) / Video of Jan Jonker                                       (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherland)


Technical aspects : Video conference through Paris Ouest University system : BBB

Communication of the event : Through each partner network and international communication through RSE&PED

Conference Proceedings will be published through Aunege website.

Download Full program with Biography of speaker 




14, April, 2016