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List of selected topics proposed by Professors of the CFVG PhD Team for master thesis and PhD Dissertations Intake 9 (2019 - 2023)


List of selected topics proposed by Professors of the CFVG PhD Team for master thesis and PhD Dissertations Intake 9 ( 2019 - 2023)


In case of multiple applications, a supervisor will select the best proposal.

1. Lille Univ.

   a. Pr. Jean-Gabriel Cousin (Finance)

     i. Mergers and Acquisitions

     ii. Corporate governance

   b. Pr. Pascal Alphonse (Finance)

     i. The value (informationnal) relevance of the loan loss provisions: the case for vietnamese banks.

        1. Beatty, A., and S. Liao. “Do Delays in Expected Loss Recognition Affect Banks' Willingness to Lend?” Journal of Accounting and Economics 52 (2011): 1-20.

        2. Bushman, R., and C. Williams. “Accounting Discretion, Loan Loss Provisioning, and Discipline of Banks’ Risk-taking.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 54 (2012): 1- 18.

   c. Pr. Mbaye Diallo (Marketing)

     i. Innovation, digitalisation & artificial intelligence (application in large distribution or agro-food industry).

     ii. Brand management in an international context: emerging countries. vs. developed countries.

     iii. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility: applications in mass distribution, tourism and agro-food industry.

   d. Dr. Karima Bouaiss (Finance)

     i. Relevance of the governance mechanisms, risk-taking and performance of the major banks

2. Strasbourg Univ.

   a. Pr. Sébastien Point (HRM)

     i. The management of expatriates in Vietnamese companies

     ii. Global talents in Vietnamese companies

     iii. Cross-cultural challenges in Vietnamese companies

   b. Pr. Françoise Simon (Marketing)

     i. Consumer habits and new habit formation : Which perpectives for sustainable marketing?

   c. Pr. Anaïs Hamelin (Finance)

     i. Family ownership and firm performance

     ii. Corporate behaviorial finance

     iii. Entrepreneurial finance

   d. Pr. Christophe Godlewski (Finance)

     i. Bank lending and corporate finance in south-east Asia

     ii. Culture, law and finance in south-east Asia

   e. Pr. André Schmitt (finance)

     i. Disposition bias and self-theories (finance)

     ii. Household finance (finance)

     iii. Vietnamese exports and quality perception

     iv. Heterogeneous economic development in south-east asia and Buddhism

   f. Pr. Thierry Burger (Innovation)

     i. Management of Innovation and Creativity

     ii. Strategic Management and International Development

   g. Pr. Julien Penin (Intellectual property and development)

     i. Intellectual Property and convergence of developping countries

   h. Thi Kim Cuong Pham & Anne Stenger (Environment), BETA

     i. Organic food in Vietnam, consumers' preferences and willingness to pay

     ii. Involvement in the production of organic food in Vietnam: farmers' willingness to pay

3. Aix-Marseille Univ.

   a. Pr. Pierre-Xavier Meschi (Strategy)

     i. Nature, performance and determinants of international expansion of Vietnamese companies

   b. Pr. Vincent Chauvet (Innovation)

     i. Innovation and export performance of Vietnamese firms

   c. Pr. Antonin Ricard (Strategy and International management)

     i. The role of social network on small firm internationalization in emerging countries[1]

   d. Pr. Véronique Cova (Marketing)

     i. Phygital[2] (= neologism with the terms ‘‘physical’’ + ‘‘digital’’)

4. Dauphine Univ.

   a. Pr. Sébastien Damart (Management)

      i. Management practices in asean countries

   b. Pr. Colette Depeyre (Organizational dynamics)

     i. Transformations in the fashion and/or textile industry

   c. Pr. Lionel Garreau (Strategic Management)

     i. Business models and ecosystem development in agriculture and the food industry

     ii. Strategic sensemaking: how do actors make sense of situations to develop strategy

     iii. Meaning at work and commitment: discovering the Vietnamese panorama of work

5. IAE Paris

   a. Pr Géraldine Schmidt (HRM)

     i. HRM practices in non-profit / civil-society organizations

     ii. Employability-enhancing policies

     iii. Corporate downsizing: decisions, processes and effects

   b. Pr Didier Chabaud (Entrepreneurship and Strategy)

     i. Entrepreneurship processes and social networks

     ii. From start-up to scale-up

     iii. Family entrepreneurship

   c. Pr Ouidade Sabri (Marketing)

     i. Big data and performance

     ii. Digital marketing practices adapted to specificities of vietnamese consumers.

   d. Pr Frédéric Gautier (Logistics)

     i. City Logistics: logistics activities in urban areas

     ii. Circular Supply chain management in developping economy context

     iii. Sustainability practices and SC performance

6. ESCP Europe (to be completed)

[1] The role of social network on small firm internationalisation had been acknowledged in existent literature. However, the scope of these works is mostly focused on the network built on the target market. Domestic market has barely been tackled although it plays a significant role to access to specific resources. This research proposes to extent the seminal article from Tung and Luo (2007, 2018) to SMEs from emerging economies. More specifically, the purpose of this research will be to study the impact of domestic network on various internationalization dimension (speed, age at internationalisation, pace, and scope).

[2] Phygital (= neologism with the terms ‘‘physical’’ + ‘‘digital’’) refers to a new concept of space that originates from the increasing convergence of the physical dimension and the digital dimension. Augmented reality, Internet of Things, robotics, and artificial intelligence are transforming commercial spaces in digitally enriched environments that blur the distinction between the ‘‘real’’ and the ‘‘simulated.’’ Thus the core question is: Does this distinction appear relevant today?

The possible combinations of the physical and digital worlds seem unlimited and bring to the following sub-questions.

- Are there differences into these combinations according to the shopping experiences?

- What are the impacts of these different combinations on the relationship between actors (customers to customers; customers with services employees)?

Theoretical framework: consumer service experience; servicescape, place and space; omni-channel retailing

Methodology: qualitative approach; Field: for the physical places: Vietnam shops, traditional Vietnamese markets, door-to-door sales. For the digital channel: web sites, social networks


18, April, 2019